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This file will make you project tonight! So please read it carefully.

Here is how to project!! , After long time of researches, and after even experiencing the
astral projection I found that nearly all posts that cannot even explain how to project!! I didn’t even believe that this is how to project! When I projected I was like... Oh my God!! What the hell are these people are saying! They can’t even explain such things?!
Anyways leave all what you’ve read; leave all the damn books that waste your money and time!
First of all, you need 3 things; if you have them then you are ready to project tonight.
1- Quite area (if there are noises just turn the radio on nothing and put it loud so it covers
the voice or just get it from YouTube or anywhere and put the headphones and play it).
2- Brain.
3- Human.
If you have them then continue reading.
How to probably project? Is it hard? I heard you shall practice to do it!, it will take long?!
Trust me, after all my experiences and researches, you can do them in just 3 hours without even training! , do you know why they tell you train?! Because they are not explaining it
very well!!!
Here is how to project!! I will show you my techniques and you will master them right
now while reading this mini-book! After you finish reading, you will start the AP right
away if you want.
Keep reading if you want it badly
So let’s start, first of all, you must trick your body to sleep and fall into sleep paralysis by making it thinking that your mind is asleep so it sleeps how you do it?! I’ll teach you
First lay down on your bed, bend your neck as much as possible but make it relaxed
(this thingy disables the swallowing problems), put your hands beside your stomach
and make your leg straight (remember to always sleep on your back as it increases your paralysis chance highly).
If you got it very well then keep reading…
Second, you shall meditate for 45 minutes or 1 hour (for beginners), it may go
even 1:30 hour max! How do you meditate? Here’s how you do it
Close your eyes after you did the first thing, now calm your body very well, you need to
close your mouth and stick your teeth together, also put your tongue in a place that you won’t move for 1 hour and half , trust me it’s easier than it seems when I say don’t move
so don’t worry at all
If you got the above thing very well proceed to the next step…
Now, your eyes which are the hardest thing people can’t do! I don’t know why but it’s too easy! , now you shouldn’t move your eyes at all!! But how you do it! It’s easy, now do
this with me and you will master it right now
1- Close your eyes now while reading this mini-book.
2- Try to freeze it, you will find it very difficult as it keeps moving! (Try to do it alone
for 3 minutes).
3- Now this is how to freeze it, close your eyes as i said and focus in the middle of your
eye lids!! The exact middle!
4- Imagine a cube, a dot, anything you want, but keep your eyes looking in the middle!
5- some people will say my eyes opens automatically, actually it happens because you
lost the concentration of focusing on the middle of your eyes, this is why you are complaining about it, of course your eyes will move but once it does return it to the
middle and keep focusing on not moving it again.
If you have successfully learned how to freeze your eyes proceed to the next step..
Now, your breathing, it plays a big role on your paralysis!!, how do I breath exactly?
Here’s how you do it
Did you know that when you are asleep your body will only breath 1/2 of your normal
breath? Those people who says breath deeply is totally wrong, breathing deeply for many times will hurt your breathing system and you will find yourself getting tired
automatically! , so trust me, you only need 1/2 of your half breath and remember to not
keep changing your breath!! Your body would actually spot it and will stay aware.
So what you have to do now is lay and breath only for 1/2 of your breath.
If you got the above thing then proceed to the next step
Now your eyebrows, you shall make them totally relaxed! You shouldn’t like move
them or feel like you are holding them or forcing them or something like that! Just leave them normally and relax them!! It works but you just don’t need to move them!!!
If you got the above method proceed to the next step
Remember that your mind will find what you are doing is so boring, so it will easily
make you lose your concentration, so how you keep it? Here’s how you do it
I’ll make it as a shortcut and call it (Count) , yes that’s all , count your breaths ,
but not like as 1 2 3 4 5.... , NO, count it like this, Breath in (1), Breath out (1),
Breath in (2), Breath out (2).
After that Notice the Vibrational State when it happens. If you notice a shift or change in
your body where it’s now vibrating or buzzing with energy, this is the magical state
you need to be in! This is a huge milestone, even if you aren’t able to actually project
out just yet. So just don’t get panic, and continue feeling your breaths…
So, now how I can project out after that state (Vibrational)?
You can do that by rolling, standing up, or simply floating down. There are various ways
to project out when in the vibrational state. If you read online, you might find info on the rope technique, target technique, etc. These are all just what worked for that particular person and not right or wrong. I found surrendering and letting go to be what worked for
me. If I noticed myself in the vibrational state, I would simply stop resisting, stay still,
relax and keep letting go. Just relax and relax and notice yourself floating down or up.
I will float down through my bed and out of my body that way.

You are now done, you can now try to project tonight and it will work totally for sure!!
But remember to always self-trust , Take care and good luck

Lay on your back and hands besides your stomach, close your eyes and focus on
counting your breaths, breath 1/2 of your normal breath, relax, calm your eyebrows,
and remove all ideas from your head and self-trust, when you got the vibrational state,
just keep going don’t get panic, after that imagine you’re standing up, not with your
physical body (or you can search another method that’ll suits for you).

Caution!! :- during the try of mind trick!! You will have the following things!!
(itchy body, your body tells you that you are not comfortable and you need to move ,
These all just the beginning!! But when you nearly get in sleep paralysis you will face
the strongest level that I even fail on!! Your body will tell you that it’s not working and
you have to give up its just waste of time!! Trust me it’s very very very very very hard to ignore!! But you must always remember that once you get this feeling it means that you
are about to enter the sleep paralysis!! , So just remember these things, once you get the feeling on giving up , you have reached around 90 % for the sleeping paralysis! So never
give up! Now I’ll leave you to project, hope you be well and have a safe trip

Also!!! Biggest mistake you could do is if you try it when you are going to sleep!! YOU
are already tired how you gonna do it!! You have no energy!! , do it after you wake up
and on the moment you feel that you have full energy!

Best Regards;

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